Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Separate Account Management

Separate Account Management by Larry Chambers
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (March 14, 2003) | 0471249769 | PDF | 274Pages

Twenty years ago separate account management programs (SAMs) were reserved for the sophisticated advisor who only served the very wealthy. Today, SAM programs have become available to most advisors and several layers of the affluent. If you intend to work with affluent clients that demand personal and flexible service, you must have a complete understanding of this approach to money management–and J.K. Lasser Pro Separate Account Management is the perfect guide.

Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, J.K. Lasser Pro Separate Account Management will introduce you to the nuances of separate account management as well as show you how to use this investment vehicle to build your business and help your clients reach their financial goals.


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